Downloading exam files

  • Updated

Students' exam assignments can be assessed using the documents that can be found within your coaching environment under the heading 'Exams'. Below, you can see how you can view the exam files per learning program.

  1. Go to 'My courses' within your coaching environment
  2. Then select the relevant learning program for which you want to view the exam files
  3. Click on 'Go to course'
  4. Then go to the 'Exams' tab
  5. You can now click on the titles of the files you want to view. When you click on the titles, the files will download immediately automatically. You can then find these files within the 'Downloads' folder on your device or the folder you just selected when downloading.

You can share the assessment form with the students before they start the exam.

beoordelingsformulier zoeken EN.gif

The exam files consist of (at least) 3 documents per exam:

  1. Candidate exam instructions
  2. Assessment form
  3. Exam instruction assessor

In addition, there may be appendices, such as an explanation of assessment with the STAR(RT) method, or an explanation of vlogging.

You can download an exam file by clicking on the title of the file. The assessment form that you can open and complete in Excel automatically calculates a score. Below, you can see how to complete the assessment form.

beoordelingsformulier invullen.gif

Would you like to read more about completing the assessment forms? Then read the article 'Filling in the assessment form' under For coaches > The exam.



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